Luxury Tour To India

Luxury Tour To India

Who We Are

Since our creation in 1991, we at Trinetra Tours have steadfastly believed in delivering memorable travel experiences by creating well researched unique tours and holiday packages to India. We ensure that our guest’s dream vacation come to life through our specially designed customized itineraries. As the best Travel Tours Operator in India, we ensure that latter are in sync, with our guest’s individual interests and preferences. Moreover, an important aspect of our business is the ability to adapt and offer customized holiday packages as well as customized tour packages to India, while taking care of all your needs associated with travel including accommodation. In our effort to become one of the best tour operators in India we try to offer local experiences which blend with the typical hospitality that India is known for. A stay at a village guest house, enjoying home cooked food with the locals, sampling mouthwatering street food of Old Delhi or savouring high tea with the Royals of Rajasthan, are just a few of the many unique tours & travel experiences that we at Trinetra always encourage our guests to indulge in. Some of Trinetra Tours’ best India tour packages are – the Golden Triangle Tour, Essence of India, Indian Wild Panorama, Taj & Tigers tour India. Family holiday
packages with Trinetra Tours in India are also very popular amongst our guests.

Over the years, Trinetra Tours Pvt Ltd, the best Tours Operator Company in India has also attempted to become your one window stop that would cater to all your proposed travel needs within India including flights, hotels, guides, tours, & drives so that we could showcase only the best that India has to offer. The fact that we are all from the field and have preferred rates with vendors and hotels help us to continuously add value to our tours. Trinetra Tours Reviews are a testimony to this fact. Trinetra Tour Packages are curated by the travel experts after more than three decades of experience. So, you can rest assured of your package tours in India. We are blessed and humbled for the goodwill that we have received from our guests and through various awards, and, recognitions. We extend a hand of friendship towards you based on true intentions, knowledge and the ability to deliver a professional obligation by personalizing relationships. We look forward to welcoming you in India with folded hands and a promise to not fall in your eyes.

Specialists in setting up customized vacations to India for over 25 years now, our tours attempt to get beneath the skin to explore the less known, unusual and unique aspects
of a destination. Our tailored and private day tours have earned us a “Hall of Fame” certificate from Trip Advisor – an accolade bestowed upon for receiving a certificate of excellence for 5 consecutive years; Awarded most promising tour company of North
India by World Travel Brands. As the Best Reputed tour company in India, we seek to understand better the unique needs of each of our guests, and then render a tour that is
appropriately matched to the guest’s travel style as well as preferences. Over the years we have endeavored to become the one stop solution and one of the best Travel Agencies in India for the entire gamut of travel needs that our discerning guests would need.

Why Choose Trinetra Tours

The ownership and top management of Trinetra Tours, under the leadership of Tapas Banerjee, is a group of young and dynamic people. We are in the trade for only one reason – we love it; and this is what that makes us different from our competitors. We do not claim to offer better tours by showing ‘better’ the sights of India. The latter are a part of our historical creativity for all to see and form their independent opinions. It is our inherent love for people and our desire to serve them that make our tourists feel wanted and cared for. This in turn engenders their faith and confidence in our intentions and abilities. With this kind of assurance, our tourists are in a better state of mind to appreciate the tour without feeling edgy or defensive about an alien country with an alien culture. Personalisation of relationships is the mainstay of our tours and we are able to provide the same for the following reasons :

First, we make an effort to understand the needs & interest of our customers. We make an effort to maintain a flexible and pragmatic approach to tourism. In this website, we will NOT restrict you with suggested tour itineraries, but, lay out for you destinations that we think would be fascinating. Then, depending on your interest, and your comments about the destinations listed, we would use our skills to tailor make a “Special Interest” tour that would take into consideration both your choice of destination as well as your special interest be it photography, walking, biking, wildlife viewing, observing traditional cultures and lifestyles, art & architecture etc. The reason behind this approach is an effort to personalise the tour to the interest and choice of the customer.

Second, we do not consider people as numbers or files to be dealt with. Each individual represents to us an individual identity, with whom we look forward to establishing genuine friendship.

Third, all our special interest tours are fully guided by hand picked quality guides. We are confident of the intentions and motivations of the guides & drivers we work with. Also, we are in complete realisation of the fact that in a service trade all depends upon the quality and amount of efforts one puts in. Our guides are not only well informed about the places covered in the tour, they are well educated and from cultured families. Besides being able to discus with tourists on diverse topics (not limited to travel alone), they spread good humor and cheer – thus creating a sort of family atmosphere where everybody cares and is tolerant of fellow tourists. We have had tourists leaving with tears in their eyes. So strong was their love for India and so strong was their attachment to our escort who made it possible for them to have such a wonderful holiday within a family atmosphere..

Fourth, we expend a lot of time and effort in identifying hotels we think our tourists need. The hotels are hand picked and reasonably priced. Many of them, although modernised , still retain their character and old world charm. We look for clean comfortable beds, clean western style attached toilets with hot and cold running water, good ambience, clean uniform of staff, good restaurants with a choice of meals, air-conditioning and the most important thing that is the the personalisation of service. The atmosphere should be friendly, helpful and hospitable – the essence of our tours.

Fifth, we also enjoy the privilege of being bestowed with some of the best rates from the leading hotels of the country. This enables to us the opportunity to provide the best hotels at the best prices. In today’s age when customers are net conscious, they tend to check the hotels they are to stay. It pleases them no ends when they realise that they are booked in top end hotels.

Finally, within India, we operate through a network of extremely professional associates. Again, here we share the same kind of family relationship that brings out the best in each of us for the other and our tourists.

We would take our people on escorted walks through popular bazaars , visit to typical homes and work places (Brick works, papermaking, village potters etc.). Street food tours, cooking classes, heritage walks, block printing, painting workshops, Bollywood Dance classes do scratch the surface to acquaint the foreign visitor with the grain of our destination. We would find time to escape from big cities to see everyday life in tribal villages, unchanged for centuries. We would interact with the locals, organise typical magic shows and folk dances. This way the trip is much more alive, fulfilling and realistic. Women love to have themselves outfitted – buying their own material and having themselves ‘ sized up; by a tailor at a reasonable price. It is not the price, but the feeling of participation that is important. Rides in rickshaws, and, 3-wheel auto – rickshaws are invariably accompanied by peals of laughter from both the people inside the carriage, as well as the onlookers. Imagine walking on a pavement with our escort in a colourful bazaar and bumping into a pavement barber or more seriously a pavement dentist – their ‘wares’ including a laughing set of dentures proudly displayed on the pavement. Visitors return with a much greater understanding of the country they have visited. If shown correctly, India is like falling in love – the experience goes straight to the heart and stirs the soul. But to obtain these results, the tour operator should be dedicated towards research on what is available in his country, have a love for people and must experience pleasure in showing tourists his country and countrymen.

We realise that it would be difficult for you to evaluate the quality of services we promise. However, there is a way out. Try talking to us; try corresponding with us. You would soon realise that you are dealing with a “different” kind of people who hold a very distinct and refreshing attitude towards not only the travel trade, but, also in the manner they deal with you. There is also another way out; upon your request, we can mail to you a sample list of customers who have been on our various tours in the last few years. We suggest you get in touch with them for a first hand account of the customer’s side of the story. Somebody said, and, we agreed that the proof of the pudding is in eating it !! So, why not take opinions and impressions of the people who have ” Tasted ” the pudding.?

We look forward to associating with you and look forward to hearing from you.

Client Testimonials

The Proof Of the Pudding Is in Eating it. Suggest Check The Feedback Of Guests Who Have Tasted The Trinetra Pudding!

Client Testimonials

The Proof Of the Pudding Is in Eating it. Suggest Check The Feedback Of Guests Who Have Tasted The Trinetra Pudding!